Charlie Sheen is a piece of shit, nothing new

I’m not one to often denigrate my own brog of high integrity content like League of Legends, professional wrestling and social commentary about Atlanta by posting shit about stupid Hollywood drivel, but sometimes the media saturates the air/data(?) waves with the same shit that it’s simply impossible to ignore.

Ultimately, I end up hating the media, but the media is kind of this necessary evil, and ultimately, I like to attempt to be somewhat informed and current in the things that are happening at a local, national and worldly level in that particular order, so I still peek and seek out the news, regardless of how much I would rather be blind to everything and hope it doesn’t impact my daily life.

But anyway, unless you live under a rock, and I’m not even sure someone wouldn’t seek out and unearth your rock just to make sure that absolutely everyone was aware, but Charlie Sheen has been outed to be HIV-positive.  Basically, Charlie Sheen has AIDS.

My knee jerk reaction is “big fucking deal,” because I think the world has larger things to concern themselves about like, oh, the terrorists who assaulted Paris, and the ensuing fallout of an impending war again, and because really, I don’t really give a shit about Charlie Sheen.

Frankly, I don’t understand how he’s still relevant in the world; whenever I think of Charlie Sheen, the only things I think about are Two and A Half Men, which I never watched, and the Major League films, which were almost 20 years ago.  Seriously, coming out and acting crazy and spouting a bunch of lame narcissistic catchphrases is all it took for him to become immortalized?  Is that how stupid people really are?

Anyway, here are the facts that I have surmised from the information that’s publicly available all over the web and major news outlets:

  • Charlie Sheen sucks*
  • Charlie Sheen admits to being HIV positive in 2015
  • Charlie Sheen has allegedly known about this for four years (2011)
  • Charlie Sheen has boasted to allegedly having bedded “upwards of 5,000 women”
  • Charlie Sheen claims to have informed every woman he has had sex with about his status
  • Anonymous informant claims Charlie Sheen has had sex with “hundreds” of women, informing none of them of his condition
  • Anonymous informant claims Charlie Sheen has had sex with several women as soon as a week prior to admission
  • Charlie Sheen admits to having unprotected sex with two people since finding out he was HIV positive
  • Charlie Sheen claims it “is impossible” that either to have contracted HIV due to them “being under the care of my doctor”
  • Charlie Sheen is a fucking piece of shit*

*possibly opinion, not entirely untrue facts

The most fascinating thing about this whole reveal is the way the media is treating it; it’s like every person, every outlet, every affiliation, there’s what we all like to declare “leans,” as in what kind of perspective do they lean towards.  I don’t particularly like to declare that I’m solely on one side between the left and the right, but I know that I have a tendency to lean towards the left when it comes to some equality issues in the world, but I’ve also been told that I have some fairly right-leaning ideals.  Ultimately, that’s kind of how I would like to be, because frankly I’d rather not be pigeonholed into one set of beliefs, at least without not taking a second to consider both sides.

That being said, it’s interesting seeing how CNN tries is hardest to remain neutral, but there’s a slight hint of left leaning going on.  Naturally, FOX News doesn’t even really try to hide the right-leaning disgust with Sheen’s actions, and I think I’m inclined to side with them on this one, because it’s fucking deplorable that Sheen has remained sexually free-wheeling and lethally reckless and has probably exposed hundreds of women to HIV.

But the most mind-blowing thing I’ve read in regards to this is from the Huffington Post; basically a plea for sympathy towards the fact that he has HIV and that the stigma against HIV is ugly.

For starters, Charlie Sheen is the absolute worst guy to try and use to champion this agenda to garner sympathy for those with HIV.  Charlie Sheen wasn’t a guy who contracted HIV, and upon finding out, completely went transparent and that everyone he bedded knew about it before they let him stick his dick into them.  No, this is a guy who has admitted to spending millions of dollars to hush people about his HIV.  This was a guy who simply did not give a fuck and was a hedonistically selfish asshole who valued his own pleasure over the lives of other women.

This is not the person you want trying to break the HIV stigma.

The guy who wrote this is the gay voices editor for HuffPo, and naturally he tries to swing the story into an agenda about how HIV was once perceived as the gay plague.  Sorry, it’s not 1992 anymore, and people of all genders and sexual orientation have contracted HIV since then, and sorry that you waited 20 years to hop aboard this soapbox only to find that it’s rotten and can’t hold weight anymore.

Charlie Sheen is entitled to medical privacy sure, but at the same time NOT informing his alleged hundreds of sexual partners that he has HIV before having unprotected sex with them is pretty much criminal.  Seriously, people have been sent to prison for exactly the same thing, with the only difference being that they were not Charlie Sheen, or anyone remotely famous.

I agree that people with HIV shouldn’t be treated like criminals; IF they’re not irresponsibly and recklessly having unprotected sex with allegedly hundreds of people.  Then they shouldn’t be treated like criminals, they basically are criminals, and probablyshould be treated as such.

The bottom line is that Charlie Sheen has HIV and has had sex with many, many people even after finding out about it, and did not tell anyone.  This not only confirms that he’s the piece of shit I always thought he was, but it also makes him a criminal.  But unfortunately, because the world is crooked, and Charlie Sheen is famous, he not only will not be persecuted like one, he’ll somehow manage to find a way to turn this into profit, and somehow live the remainder of his life comfortably, and probably dupe some more stupid insecure women into having unprotected sex along the way.

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