Fuller House, first impressions

I’ve stated in the past that I didn’t really have high hopes for it, but what can I say, I’m a sucker for nostalgia, not to mention it’s a great way to passively sabotage mythical girlfriend’s Netflix queue with the garbage that I decide to watch in lieu of creating my own account locally.

But I’m three episodes into Fuller House, and here are some of my knee-jerk reactions:

  • Dear god almighty did Stephanie Tanner get some fake tits
  • DJ Tanner looks better now than she ever did back in the show’s original run
  • Kimmy Gibbler has barely aged
  • Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky have barely aged as well, and honestly I’d take Aunt Becky over any of the other girls on the show, even now
  • Amusing for the show to immediately address the Olsen twins elephant in the room within the show’s first two minutes

Aside from the superficial blowing the dust off of the show, it doesn’t take long for the show itself to basically, go into a modernization of the show’s original format.  Cleverly done, was the fairly seamless manner of tying up loose ends and giving actual justification to why the old guard were all basically moving to Los Angeles, while the new guard stays put in San Francisco.

But the roles are pretty quickly defined, as DJ is the new Danny Tanner, as in the straight one, the moral rock of the show, and mom not just to all the kids of the household, but to her compatriots as well.  Stephanie and her huge fake tits are the new Uncle Jesse, as the person who is remotely cool, but who decides to put her fame and notoriety aside for the sake of being a good family member, and moves back into the Tanner home.  And Kimmy Gibbler is basically the new Joey, as the non-relative that lives in the house, albeit with her own daughter, who acts as the foil to DJ’s own sons.

So far, the show is nothing really groundbreaking, but still I think does a pretty good job of encapsulating the morals of the original show, with a modern twist, that almost seem artificially inserted into the show, like references to social media, taking selfies and how everyone has an iPhone.

But three episodes in, and every single one has been somewhat reinforced by a cameo(s) of a former cast member, with the whole crew being in episode 1, Uncle Jesse showing up in episode 2, and Joey showing up in episode 3.  For the show’s sake, hopefully this is not the norm, as the leading ladies are going to need some substantial room to spread their wings without relying too much on nostalgia to keep viewers entertained.

Although, I’m not going to complain if there’s more Aunt Becky, but that’s got to suck for the other women who have not aged nearly as gracefully as Lori Laughlin has.

Anyway, because I’m a nerd, I’m likely going to watch through the rest of the series.  Who knows if I’ll bother talking about it again, but at least for the time being, I can acknowledge my acknowledgement of the show’s existence, and that for better or worse, I’m watching it.

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