That time where NYC was behind the times

That’s so New York: Bill de Blasio calls for boycott of Chic-fil-A, because their owner hates the gays

So New York of de Blasio to now be doing something that’s CFA markets all across the United States have experienced doing since 2012.  But because it’s happening in New York, it’s making the news yet again, unearthing a horse that’s been dead for quite some time now.

The funny thing is that the Daily News article I linked does a pretty good job of cutting through the political bullshit fluff that they’re accusing de Blasio of, and that this whole stance is completely without any real moxie and for solely political reasons.  I especially like the part where they cite the Hasidic Jews that heavily donate to him, and how he takes their donations happily in spite of their very staunch and vocal stance against same-sex marriages.

Given the fact that when the original controversy erupted in 2012, Chic-fil-A’s sales actually improved in spite of the popular belief that discriminatory boycotts would hurt their bottom line, who’s to say that Bill de Blasio isn’t conducting some sort of experiment for monetary gain, by resurrecting the controversy, but in New York City, to see if CFA’s sales don’t improve again, with some sort of agreement to cut him in on the profits if they did.

Regardless, it’s funny to me to see this story emerge again, given the amount of irony that transpired the first time around.  Like New York likes to believe, if it doesn’t happen in New York, it hasn’t happened, I guess they deserve a chance to witness the ironic trail of events that’ll happen, for them to see as well, now that NYC is also now a Chic-fil-A market.

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