It’s finally over(?), part 26

Maybe?  Dead-Gawker founder Nick Denton agrees to settle with Hulk Hogan, for $31 million dollars plus finally removing the posts of his sexual tape from the internet.

It’s not the entire $140M that was awarded to him by the courts, but it’s still a sizeable take home for a guy who merely got caught on film having sex (with someone else’s wife, consensually).  I mean, for a little bit of public embarrassment, a lot of time spent in courtrooms, it’s still a substantial amount of money to go home with, especially with a gold digging ex-wife, fuck-up of a son, and a pretender of a pop-star daughter all weighing him down.

Granted, if this article is correct of what takeaway he’ll get after taxes and legal fees, it’s a pretty far cry from $140M, but shit, I wouldn’t scoff at $9 million bucks after two years and most of the world getting to see me having night vision sex for like ten seconds.

Whatever though, with a settlement seemingly in place, it really truly might actually mean the end of the Hogan v. Gawker feud.  Sure, it’s been dug up and resurrected at least three times since the end of the initial verdict, but Gawker being effectively dead after being sold to Univision, siphoned of its usable assets and dumped to the curb, only to be given the big boot and the atomic leg drop again, might actually mean the end of the line for this storyline.

At this point, I’m really out of words about it all.  It doesn’t mean I’m sick of it by any means, I certainly revel in all stories that glorify the fall of a shitty website that thought they were above others, at the hands of Hulk Hogan of all people in the world.  But I’ve pretty much said at least 25 times over how great it is, and at least 30 different analogies involving wrestlers from the 80s and 90s to compare to, as having jobbed to Hogan.

Never say never, but I think it is time for the brog to move on from this coverage, and patiently wait for the next unfortunate entity to cross paths with Hulkamania, to ultimately write 20 posts about in the future.

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