This is why humanity is going downhill

Impetus: France, joins 51 other countries as countries that will no longer allow corporal punishment.

Meaning: There are currently 52 countries in the world that don’t allow children to be spanked.

Reality: There are currently 52 countries in the world where children will grow up to be undisciplined shitheads and become pussies in life.

Irony: Despite using Arnold Schwarzenegger from Kindergarten Cop as the hero image for this post, Austria, was the fourth nation of pussies to ban corporal punishment in 1989.  Sure, the timing is a little off, but Austria bans discipline, Arnold leaves Austria, Arnold becomes a global mega star – coincidence?

Not lost on me: The United States, or any country in Asia, are among the 52 nations of pussies (except Turkmenistan and Mongolia but who even thinks about them when discussing Asia?) that ban corporal punishment.

However: This must be the weakest enforced ban on the planet, because I’ve known plenty of people with backgrounds among the Pussy-52 who have the same stories of getting the shit beat out of them by their parents growing up without any of them going to jail or facing any sort of prosecution.

But anyway, kudos to France for joining the ranks of countries where their children will grow up undisciplined, unafraid of authority, completely afraid of physical pain, and ultimately become pathetic shitheads as adults. 

I’m not saying that parents should have carte blanche to beat the ever-living shit out of their kids for when they’re out of line, but disciplinary spanking is something that’s been more or less proven to work and removing it from the equation by use of law is something that I believe has more long-term harm to society than it does benefit.

I grew up with my mom hitting me with anything she could get her hands on, and not her hand.  I legit feared the pea-green dust brush we had in my house, because it was the backside of it that was primarily used to beat my ass whenever I got in trouble or did poorly in school, which happened more than I would have liked to have admit, growing up.  The thing is, through a little bit of fear, I grew to respect behavioral boundaries, wanted to excel academically, and not get on my mom’s bad side by attempting my best behavior.

I’m not saying I’m living proof of growing up correctly, but personally I think I’m a tad more ethical than the vast majority of people I know and even more people I only know of.  And I most certainly attribute the so-called corporal punishment I was given growing up as reason why I have the discipline that I do.

I can see it now, little Hunter or Elsa or Arya or whatever transparently nerdy shit parents name their kids today, get out of line at school.  Teachers aren’t allowed to punish children physically, which I’m fine with, but when they report them to their parents, the parents won’t be able to either.  With no ass-beatings due when they get home, who’s to say their juvenile and undeveloped minds are going to actually going to have anything to fear to make them actively want to correct their behavior?  And with no behavioral correction possible, they’re only going to grow and continue on thinking the worst consequence that could happen is getting sent to their room full of gadgets, toys and other wi-fi enabled entertainment goodies.

Man, I’m glad that the two countries in the world that represent my heritage and my home aren’t among the Pussy-52.  I’m relieved to know that kids in Seoul will be subject to the same ass-whippings that kids in Seattle will be, although I assume Americans will be far softer parents than their Korean counterparts.  But neither will have to fear the law or legal punishment for doing what all parents should probably get better at doing these days, disciplining their children for bad behavior.

The rest of the world can move forward with their frail future generations of whiny undisciplined shithead kids, as long as they stay the fuck away me.

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