Well that’s one way to counteract enrollment because of the HOPE Scholarship

Gotta lean right again every now and then, I guess: Georgia governor Nathan Deal signs off of House Bill 280, thus making it official that licensed gun owners can now legally carry concealed weapons onto Georgia public college campuses

Welp, marking Cinco de Mayo 2017 as the date is fairly easy enough to remember when to start the count of days until a pretty senseless and preventable gun-related death on a Georgia college campus happens, at least.  Mark my words, this is not a matter of ‘if’ this happens, it is entirely a matter of ‘when’ it does.

Believe me, I’m more than willing to eat crow and put in writing that I was wrong, if it turns out that an incident of where a licensed gun owner prevents or stops crime from happening happens first, but I wouldn’t put money on it.  The invention of firearms in the first place is inherently negatively connoted, and no measure of regulating or attempting to control them changes the fact that negative intentions are always the reason for firearms being inserted into any equation.

Ironically, of course, I just love how stupid all the terminology and word selection that led to HB 280’s original failure and eventual success; like how originally it failed to pass because of the concern that without text and legalese, then licensed owners would be allowed to carry firearms into “day cares, disciplinary hearings and faculty and administrative offices.”

But putting into writing that they are now not allowed will solve everything right?  They do know what the word “concealed” means, right?  Even if it means that they’re not allowed to bring firearms into certain areas on campus, as long as they can be concealed, they’re still going to make their way into them.  Short of installing metal detectors everywhere, guns will magically be present everywhere on a Georgia college campus soon. 

Honestly, I don’t have that big of a problem with firearms.  I absolutely do believe people have the right to defend themselves.  I just think that there are way, way, way too many people who shouldn’t have guns, have them.  And not just like Glocks or Smith & Wesson’s, but like assault rifles, riot shotguns and military-grade firepower.  A pistol should be more than adequate at defending one’s self, but then there are those who amass tons of guns, and for what reason, I don’t really want to know.

Having in writing where licensed gun owners aren’t allowed to have their guns isn’t going to change the fact that they’re going to make it in regardless, that’s entirely the point of concealed carry.  Nobody is going to be checking guns at the door at campus facilities, and even if they were, it’s not going to stop some hostile bros from saying “hold on, let me go retrieve MY GUN,” before they proceed to go mug or rape someone at gunpoint.

Allowing guns isn’t going to change the dynamic of most campus crimes, either, because just because people are legally allowed to have guns doesn’t automatically make all gun holders magically competent at utilizing them.  Most campus crimes are of the nature of where some car rolls up with guns pointed out windows, demanding valuables, before driving off.  When guys like that get the preemptive strike on a person, them having guns won’t automatically make them untargetable by crooks; thanks to HB 280, it’s basically allowing crooks to come into possession of more guns, when they steal them from licensed holders they got the jump on.

It’s laughable that Georgia bureaucrats seem to think that allowing guns is going to make people safer from crooks, as if crooks believe in honor, and will allow those they assault time to ready their weapon, disengage safeties and defend themselves from muggings and assaults.  If anything at all, allowing guns is going to perpetuate the transformation of people into crooks, because guns will empower the cowardly, and make them believe they can bully and intimidate others, and before we know it, crimes like muggings, assaults and probably rapes will go up, because there are going to be a bunch of young twenty-somethings armed to the teeth jumping each other, because they’re not legally able to be put in that situation.

If this were a video game like Resident Evil or Wolfenstein, I would make a strategic side trip to a Georgia college campus to slaughter some people because they’re bound to be carrying weapons and ammunition.  Stock up, before I take on Tyrant #1628 or UberMutant.

Honestly, I thought that despite the Republican affiliation of governor Nathan Deal, he really, really liked all the likely kickbacks, credit and goodwill he farmed up with his association with the rising film industry, tech boon and the drawing of some notable corporations into developing, in Georgia.  Money, has a fascinating way of swaying even the rightest of right-leaners back to the left, and if there was ever an example of the power of money, was when Deal took a stance against HB 757 last year, AKA the Religious Liberty Bill AKA Hicks Hate Homos bill.

Given the nature of how education could easily feed into all the new money-making endeavors by the state, whether it’s film schools, numerous public technical schools or the endless array of courses available at public college campuses that could feed into the major corporations in the city, I actually believed a little bit that Deal might nix HB 280, if for anything at all, not to draw the ire of all his rich and powerful Hollywood and/or corporate buddies.

I guess I was wrong there.  Perhaps, especially with the recent pro-NRA backing by that guy, the gun industry has been emboldened to where even the financially impressionable Nathan Deal, saw fit that supporting the firearms might be the favorable choice in the polls.

Unfortunate, but whatever; I’m not in school anymore, I don’t really know anyone in school anymore, much less at a Georgia college, so when some shit hits the fan, I won’t have any personal vesting interest in it.  Still don’t want to ever hear of it happening, but with HB 280 in place, it will be inevitable that it will.

Good job, Georgia.  And by “good job,” I really mean “good job ironically you stupid fucks.”

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