lol MARTA #212

Atlanta Magazine asks: Can MARTA be cool?

Of course not.  That’s like asking if pigs could fly, or if Battletoads were easy, the answers are very easy, without hesitation nos.

Regardless, the question is brought up, because that is apparently one of the hopes and dreams of the man in charge of MARTA, general manager Keith Parker.

Now I’ll admit that I was one of the first people to doubt that Parker would actually accomplish anything with MARTA, considering the joke of an organization and service that it is, but in all fairness, he has made a little bit of headway with what seemed like pushing Sisyphus’s boulder up the mountain.  Supposedly, according to Atlanta Magazine, revenue has gone up, crime has gone down, and service has expanded; albeit to ghetto-ass Clayton County, but baby steps.

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This game is going to scare me beyond anything else

This is a preview trailer for a game called The Hum: Abductions, where it’s essentially a game about people being abducted by aliens. It’s also essentially a game that is going to make my childhood fears be personified in a video game.

When I was 10 years old, I had a fear of aliens. Not like FOX pictures Aliens with Ripley and Bishop, but the whole concept of the existence of waif-bodied, giant-headed, large-eyed aliens, UFOs, abductions and all the wacko conspiracies that existed in regards to them. It didn’t help that shows like Sightings and Unsolved Mysteries existed that had the occasional episode about them, and I’m not entirely sure where the fear stemmed from, but I became really, really afraid of aliens for a little while.

I’d have bad dreams about aliens, being abducted and having all sorts of weird tracking devices implanted into me or just straight up killed in experimentations. It was so bad that I was afraid of nighttime, because the sky was dark, and I’d be able to see all the flashing lights in the sky that I now know and can identify as particular aircrafts, but when I was a kid, every flashing light in the sky was clearly a UFO, full of aliens that had malicious intent for humanity.

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Truly epic

I hate to share something that pretty much everyone on the planet is sharing today, but god damn, was I ever a huge Saved by the Bell fan, and this skit on the Jimmy Fallon Show was nothing short of genuinely, truly epic.

My knee-jerk reaction was something that my friend Rory pointed out, which was the obvious observation that both Elizabeth Berkley and Mario Lopez have basically taken the same voodoo immortality potion that Angela Bassett had, because neither of them have aged a single day from the last time they played Jessie Spano and A.C. Slater.

On the other end of the spectrum, god damn, did Dennis Haskins let himself go. He’s quite literally doubled in size from the last time he was Mr. Belding, and it’s rather alarming to see that no matter how authoritative a suit is supposed to look, there’s just so much of it.

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What’s in a name?

Sometimes, I think that people with certain names are predisposed to particular behavior.  I can’t believe that I’m the only one who believes in this theory.

Since I’m obviously alluding to a particular name that’s the motivation for me even starting this brog post, I might as well just get it out there in the open: I’m under the belief that everyone named Gary is predisposed to being a monumental tool.*

*Except for Gary Dell’Abate, because, I love Baba Booey as I love most of the guys on the Howard Stern Show.  But it’s not like there’s a generic image I can use to encapsulate all Garys, so might as well have gone with one of the more famous Garys.

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Unnecessary demonstrations of status

For the most part, I’m okay with what I do for a living, and whom I do it for.  It’s nowhere near as cool as some of the things that my friends and acquaintances might be doing work for, but on the same token, I’ve got a degree of security and some particular perks that those same people might never have in their own respective careers.

But if there’s ever anything that lights an angry fire under my ass in an instant, is when people in a position of power attempt to make unnecessary changes to protocol for basically no other reason than that they want everyone underneath them on the organizational structure to know that they’re in a position of power.

The case in point that leads to this agitated rant is the fact that across the board is a supposed “updated” dress code that is going to become effective immediately as soon as it’s announced.  The new dress code, as it pertains to men, will be that we’re supposed to wear a dress shirt with tie; on a daily basis.

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Fewer things make me happier than this

I love seeing photos of dejected fans.  It almost doesn’t matter what sport it is, as long as there is disappointment, sometimes tears, and people being miserable, it makes me happy, as the sadistic, misery-seeking societal troll I can sometimes be.

This time however, is doubly good, because it’s Seahawks fans being mopey and miserable, pretty much under the perfect storm of circumstances in which this could possibly be the end result: victory all but inevitable, with the Seahawks two yards away from the game-winning touchdown, only seconds after a miracle of a catch, guaranteed to be immortalized in championship packages for decades if and when they completed the comeback victory, only to watch it all vanish in the blink of an eye as a result of what’s being already hailed as the worst play call in history when the Patriots intercepted the ball and sealed the game.

Seriously, the Seachickens had four downs to gain a half yard, 18 inches, while having the current best running back in the game who also happens to be an impending free agent, which means he would have guaranteed gotten into the end zone on at least four attempts, and the Seachickens and their legions of bandwagon fans would have been able to boast about being repeat Super Bowl champions.

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