A sigh of relief

So long, EPA estimated 30 miles per gallon.  Going the vehicul’s top speed for two straight weeks had that one benefit, but I’m certainly glad to be through with that ordeal now.

With one spotless, crack-free rim, and four fresh, brand-new tires, I found myself soaring to work at a generous speed; naturally following the pace of traffic, that is.  And for the time being, one of these wheels is not like the other, meaning two are stained and filthy, one is kinda dirty, and one looks like it just came off the assembly line.  But damn, has this briefly re-invigorated my love of driving again, since I’m no longer constrained to 55 mph.

For the first time in a while, I’m in good spirits, subsequently.  I’ve also noticed that while at work, when returning to the cube from the printer, I have a tendency to roll my proofs into tubes, long ways.  And I brandish them like a club, or a simulated weapon.  It makes me feel a little carnal, in a way.

A conundrum

The hand that has been feeding me throughout the last three years is now seriously jeopardizing my immediate future.  Aside from the earnest, honest approach to the situation, I don’t know what to do, if things do take the worst-case scenario.

In other news, my replacement wheel still has not arrived, and I am still driving around on a god damn donut.  At this, I am perturbed, but my morale is still not all lost, because I am currently working, and am still under the belief that 2011 is going to be a much better year.

The 2010 Book List

The year 2010 saw my total number of books read drop again for another year, and I really don’t have much excuse for it. Video games have something to do with it, as does an inconsistent work schedule, but one factor that shouldn’t go ignored is the simple fact that I’ve simply become a pickier reader throughout the last few years. Tired am I, of the repetitive drivel from authors that are Korean, British, gay, over-the-top chick-lit, or any combination of the above. I still don’t have much interest in collections of short stories, nor have I been financially capable of going to Borders and taking random leaps of faith with books with questionable reputation this year. All this being said, I still completed 17 books in 2010, but looking back at the list of things I read, I’m a little disappointed in some of the things I’ve allowed myself to waste my time reading. Nonetheless, as is the norm, bringing in the new year, is the list and brief reviews and overall rating of all the things I read in the previous year.

Word Made Flesh

by Jack O’Connell

LOSS – This book was absolute rubbish. It started off hauntingly and captivating, but it was all downhill from there. This has the dubious task of being the oldest of the books I read this year, meaning the least freshest on my memories, but it’s basically about a former cop-now-taxi driver, who does a lot of bullshit, while people are getting skinned and/or murdered around what is I guess a transitional time period in the New England area. Without question, this was one of the most difficult books I’ve ever had to struggle through in my entire life. Already in a pile of books prepared to be donated (read: gotten the fuck out of my house).

Continue reading “The 2010 Book List”

Someone named “Tank” emailed me

So I’m trying to sell my old 27″ television, a DVD player, and an entertainment stand, as one cohesive package on Craigslist, since I’m currently trying to pimp by bedroom, and clear up some space, and make it all cool to my customization.  I put up at listing for all the aforementioned items, and since I’m actually asking for money, instead of giving things away for free, I don’t imagine to hear that many interested parties.  Regardless, since posting my items, I’ve received just one email – and their name happens to allegedly be “Tank.”

U have a contact #

Is the only thing that they wrote in this message.  I know I’m hard up for funds these days, but I don’t think I really want to do business with someone named Tank, lest they be an actual, Left 4 Dead Tank, which is like a partially invincible, steroid-raged induced gorilla zombie that can punch things really hard, and bring oh-so much destrucity to my world if I let them know where I live.  Granted, I’d know when Tank arrived, because I’d be able to hear the music, but since real life is what I’d say to be on advanced difficulty these days, knowing of Tank’s arrival would probably still be too late, and I’d probably end up with the front door smashed down, and be incapacitated immediately when Tank punched the entertainment center with the 27″ TV still on it, over me, knocking me over to bleed out.

Photos: Happy, Sweet, Merciful, New Year

Despite a tiny hangover to bring in 2011, I’m ecstatic to see the passing of year 2010, and have a little blind faith, hoping that this year will be better than the last.

So far, it’s started off pretty satisfactory, with a fun New Year’s Eve party at Stu and Allison’s, where I underwent the Four Loko experiment (conclusion: they taste like shit, but hammer you fast), and we all played arguably the greatest party game in the entire planet, Telestrations.  I tracked down a new wheel for my car, and it’s on the way already, and I’ve just found a potential good deal for new tires and installation.  My current work assignment is one that I’m familiar with and it does pay very well.  So despite my week of rage and anxiety to end out the previous year, here’s to hoping that this one is much better.

Continue reading “Photos: Happy, Sweet, Merciful, New Year”