It’s a different world before sunrise

After four months, give or take, of opting to do a cardio routine in the morning instead of running, I feel like I have regressed.  Sure, I’m getting my heart rate up in the mornings, and physically, I feel like I’m exerting myself more, than when all I did was run 1.5 miles.  Considering I’m doing roughly 33 minutes of cardio, plyo, yoga, and core as opposed to the typical 15 minute pace in which I circle Zombieland, I thought I was making a good choice in opting to stay indoors to workout than going out into the bitter cold of winter mornings.

Long story short, I simply feel like I’m regressing, with going the route of superman-bananaing, as opposed to running.  So until further consideration, I’m going to limit the cardio routine to Wednesdays only, and return to running most mornings, since it’s no longer ball-shriveling cold anymore.  That being said, I started with this morning.  And throughout the last few years, I’m starting earlier than I’ve ever started, due to the time it takes me to get my shit together in the morning, and attempt to get in by 8:30 a.m., so typically I’m out the door and beginning to run by around 6:40 a.m.

Needless to say, it’s like a different world out there at that time.  I’d like to think of those ass o’clock early hours to be quiet, and leisurely outdoors, but at the time in which I began running was anything but.  Legions of worker ants all departing their homes for whatever early shift and/or long commutes they’re gearing up for.  Me, having to dodge cars zipping out of their driveways in the dark, their drivers not expecting any studious morning runners.  Black people driving way too fast in the 25 mph residential neighborhood, with me, praying that they don’t run me over.  Trucks I’m suspecting are full of stolen goods as I jog by, sitting on the curb, idling, while spouting clouds of exhaust, me holding my breath while passing by.

Nobody has ever interrupted me while jogging before; color me surprised when a FedEx van stops me before 7:00 a.m., asking for directions to a street that doesn’t exist, with me telling them such intel.  And then at least ten more cars fly past me, driving too fast before I make it back to the house.

I’ve jogged around Zombieland at various times of the day; and once this past weekend when it was the nicest weather in the world.  But never, have I seen this place so busy, bustling, and active, than during a time of day, in which I simply imagine everyone in the world in some state of sleep still.

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