I knew stuff like this was going to happen

In short: self-righteous man takes his fake agenda against Chic-Fil-A out on an innocent Chic-Fil-A employee, tapes himself making an ass out of himself, puts it on the internet, gets discovered, fired, owned.

What I didn’t really expect was the age of the guy doing this. I more expected younger, 20-30 somethings with no direction in their lives and even less independent thought to be the ones doing such sheep piling and public trolling, with hopes of becoming internet famous or something. Not some 40+ tooly douchebag, but in the end, what does it really matter?

It’s awkward and uncomfortable to see and hear this douche trolling this girl who clearly displays the patience of Job and professionalism in deflecting his poorly-veiled attempts at trying to illicit a negative response from her. And despite how proud of himself he is for mooching a styrofoam cup of water from CFA, he pretty much shoots himself in the foot when he feels the need to explain that he isn’t gay, as if there’s something wrong with it, and/or the fact that he kind of looks and sounds like he might be.

Regardless, I get the impression he was pretty disappointed after the exchange, because he failed to get the reaction from her he probably wanted, which is why the video ends so abruptly after he drives off. Yet he was still so proud of the video that he posted it anyway, and naturally the people he probably wouldn’t have wanted to have seen it, did see it, and he “was asked to resign,” which is the corporate bullshit methodology of an out-card before they formally fired him.

Y’see, the more people continuously blindly proclaim their hate for Chic-Fil-A because smarter people are saying they hate Chic-Fil-A, shit like this happen, and frankly when it does, there are no winners. But it can inadvertently turn people into becoming sympathetic towards CFA employees who are just lowly part-timers and local citizens just trying to make a living, feed families and pay bills. And when people are trying to hate an entity, any sympathy directed towards them is bad for overall resolve, regardless of the circumstances.

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