The White Sox organization must be insufferably bad

Long story short: Chicago White Sox first baseman, Adam LaRoche abruptly retires from baseball after 12 years in the majors, citing personal reasons. It’s revealed that the White Sox asked LaRoche to cut back how much time his son, Drake, was allowed to be in the team clubhouse and exposure to the team.  Instead of complying, LaRoche instead retired, and forfeited the remaining $13 million dollars he was due for the 2016 season.

I know that there are going to be a ton of baseball geeks on the internet who will be quick to call Adam LaRoche “stupid,” and other pejoratives meant to put him down, for his decision to walk away from a guaranteed $13 million dollars to play a kid’s game.  And absolutely, $13 million dollars is a tremendous amount of money, even for a professional athlete.

However, all these people who are/will be quick to fling stones, also are incapable of occasionally seeing the big picture in life, and the importance of things that matter that aren’t money.

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So owned

I enjoyed this too much: woman tailgates motorist, motorist taps brakes to try and get tailgater to back off, tailgater instead slams their own brakes, loses control, and spins out into the median.


The Fox Valley Metro Police Department told the paper that she was cited.

Bitch didn’t only get what she deserved for being an aggressive tailgater, she also got her well-deserved citation.

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The successor to jumping the shark?

Fuller Blouse House.  DJ Tanner Fuller, wrestling.  Professional wrestling.  Doing a head-scissors on a luchador.

I mean, Fuller House starts off already having jumped the shark.  The entire show jumped the shark before the first episode even started airing.

So when a show has already jumped the shark, what do you call it when it somehow manages to find another level of shark-jumping criteria, but you can’t exactly go back and unjump the shark, so that it can be jumped in a more appropriate place?

You call it DJ Tanner Wrestling.

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I don’t know why people are looking forward to this

To no surprise, I think I have a difficult time connecting with the current iteration of wrestling fans.  I question their allegiances, why they pop so hard for certain things, and why they resent particular guys so much, regardless of just how obviously hard they work to better themselves and try and improve; for them.

With Wrestlemania creeping ever closer, it’s that time when storylines begin manifesting for the supposed grandest show of the year.  Naturally, in spite of The Steak having come to an end two years prior, it’s still very much a big deal that the Undertaker participates in Wrestlemania.  With ol’ Mark Calloway not getting any younger, every year is speculation about when his last Wrestlemania is going to be, and theorizing which of the current guard should be the guy that gets that ultimate rub and sign of respect from the Deadman, to be the one who “ends his career.”

Make no mistake, the Undertaker is going to lose his final match, whenever that may be.  He’s of an old guard that firmly believes that no one person is bigger than the business, and the only way to show respect for the business on your way out, is to go out on your back, and lose your last match.  Mick Foley lost his last match.  As did Ric Flair.  Shawn Michaels lost several “final matches,” as has The Rock.  Even Stone Cold Steve Austin, at least when it came to wrestling matches, lost his final match.

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Countdown to the next college massacre

It’s stories like this that make me really resent and feel embarrassed to be a Georgia resident.  Georgia Senate votes overwhelmingly, to bill that allows licensed gun holders to have concealed firearms on public college campuses.

I am not saying this to be snarky or make a tasteless joke, but seriously, at this point, Georgia may as well start a clock to start ticking until this state has its own rendition of the Virginia Tech massacre.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe that people have the right to bear arms; I don’t necessarily understand why private citizens build themselves ridiculous arsenals consisting of heavy duty assault rifles and riot shotguns, but I don’t disagree with the notion of people wanting to get a firearm or two so that they can potentially defend their homes and property in light of an invasion or burglary.  However, I vehemently disagree with the notion that 21-year old kids should be legally allowed to acquire firearms, and bring them into educational institutes, full of other kids.

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The fallacy of Extreme Time Cheaters

It was a rare evening, in which I actually found myself at home, with pretty much nothing to do.  Usually, whenever this has been the case, I’ve spent said time and then some playing League of Legends, but I’ve kind of been on a hiatus from playing lately, and I didn’t really feel like getting drawn into the time suck LoL can occasionally be.  I was caught up on wrestling, the laundry was all done, the dog was empty, the pets all fed, and no need to brog.  So I turned on the television, with no objective ahead; naturally, I guided the schedule to see what was on TLC.

My Fat Saved My Life,” followed by “Extreme Time Cheaters.”  I set my DVR to record both shows, and then I went and did something else, because of course I didn’t actually spend my time watching television, live, and subjecting myself to actually having to watch commercials.  Plssssss

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Hogan v. Gawker lols

I think these guys don’t seem to grasp the notion that they’re in court in the state of Florida.

This is a state that can’t seem to do anything right, the craziest people on the planet originate from, is home to places as vapid and superficial as Miami yet house the vast majority of the United States’ senior citizen populace, and least of all, understand the difference between sarcasm and the literal.

When Floridians hear a snarky remark about how age-4 is the bar in which it’s okay to show sex tapes of anyone olderthey just might take it seriously and believe it.

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