Countdown to the next college massacre

It’s stories like this that make me really resent and feel embarrassed to be a Georgia resident.  Georgia Senate votes overwhelmingly, to bill that allows licensed gun holders to have concealed firearms on public college campuses.

I am not saying this to be snarky or make a tasteless joke, but seriously, at this point, Georgia may as well start a clock to start ticking until this state has its own rendition of the Virginia Tech massacre.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe that people have the right to bear arms; I don’t necessarily understand why private citizens build themselves ridiculous arsenals consisting of heavy duty assault rifles and riot shotguns, but I don’t disagree with the notion of people wanting to get a firearm or two so that they can potentially defend their homes and property in light of an invasion or burglary.  However, I vehemently disagree with the notion that 21-year old kids should be legally allowed to acquire firearms, and bring them into educational institutes, full of other kids.

There is not a single justifiable reason I’ve read or seen to why this is a good idea.  Self-defense my ass, if a homicidal student shows up onto campus, there already isn’t going to be a happy ending to this story, but it can only be compounded by the addition to more guns to the equation.  Next thing you know, on top of the deaths and injuries by the terrorist, there are probably going to be numerous incidents of friendly fire and/or collateral damage from armed students whipping out pieces and firing wildly in the name of self-defense.

The proposal exempts athletic facilities and student housing, including fraternity and sorority houses.

Oh, thank goodness, some order in the court here.  Yeah, good luck policing the presence of weapons in these facilities.  So where the frat bro with the legal permit to hold his Colt Magnum on campus going to store his gun, when he lives in a fraternity house?  When the sisters of Kappa Omega Alpha Phi have a sorority day where they all get permits and matching Berettas, where the fuck are they supposed to keep them when they all live in a house?

And I can’t wait for the Georgia/Georgia Tech game in 2016, where like 75% of the people inside of the stadium are concealed carrying, and people have been drinking since dawn, and itching for reasons to get into confrontations with fans of the other side.  Surely, nothing wrong can happen with the introduction of guns into these altercations!

This is without question one of the dumbest things that I’ve ever seen the State of Georgia do.  It makes me ashamed to live in this state when things like this happen.  It also makes me feel pretty good about not working on Georgia Tech campus anymore, because I don’t want to be anywhere in the area when the next Cho Seung-Hui has a tremendous amount of accessibility to firearms, and a death wish to take as many people with him.

Imagine how refreshing it would be if there were even a hint of transparency when it came to Georgia’s senate.  Instead of trying to bullshit people by claiming it’s in the name of self-defense, imagine if they pretty much admit “we’re getting an assload of kickbacks from the gun industry, so we’re just going to go ahead and allow this bill to pass, so that people will go out and buy guns, and perpetuate a cycle that eventually turns into a very profitable arms race.”  I mean, I, and a whole lot of people aren’t necessarily going to like it, but at least we can’t really blame people for wanting to satiate their greed.

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