Beware the road jaws

My friend and I were passing through Sterling when we saw the road jaws in the street.  Zig-zagged lanes for a brief stretch in the road, before everything went back to normal.  Naturally, this elicited a WTF reaction from me.

Was this the result of a drunk lane striper?  Was it trying to scare drivers for some reason?  All I knew is that it felt like the lanes were trying to eat us, and that we needed to get the fuck out of those lanes as soon as humanly possible.

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The perils of hesitation

In this photograph are 243 empty tall cups of Starbucks coffee.  This has accumulated in about roughly a year’s worth of weekdays in which I went to work and had a coffee in the morning.  This excludes any day in which I redeemed my frequent-buyer free drinks, in which I’d get the venti-sized of something way more expensive and potent than a single tall cup of drip coffee.

But the point is, 243 cups of coffee equates to roughly $432.54, and this is over the span of a year, give or take a month.

Recently, Starbucks released a limited edition steel Starbucks card, complete with laser etched artwork.  It cost $450 to get one, which sounds worse than it is, because it comes pre-loaded with $400, which means that you’re essentially paying $50 for a steel card.  I don’t often know what I ever want, but I felt a very strong compulsion to getting one of these steel cards.

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Man, What A Stupid Commercial #003

I’ll be honest; the message in this commercial is a good one, and I will agree that the world could use some more positive messages. But the scenario used in the commercial couldn’t be any more further from any fathomable truth that could potentially happen in this little place we all live in, called the real fucking world. And for that reason, this commercial definitely warrants the designation as certainly being a stupid commercial.

It’s the championship game, and tensions are high. The protagonist, Alex’s team is down in the waning seconds, but a late score closes the gap to one. On the ensuing play, Alex’s team employs the full court press, and they successfully harass an opposing player into flinging a haphazard pass, which is supposedly touched by the guy that Alex was guarding. The referee awards the ball to Alex’s team, and his teammates and the crowd are going nuts because now they have a chance to win the game. Alex’s team calls timeout, so they can put together a play to try and win the game. And this is where the unbelievable fiction comes into play.

Alex becomes overwhelmed by his conscience, and he admits to having being the one who correctly tipped the ball out of bounds, and that the ref had made a mistake, clearly. As he fesses up to his teammates, his teammates give him the WTF treatment, and essentially tell him to shut the fuck up. The coach caves into Alex’s moral dilemma, and tells his team to prepare to play defense, and for Alex to go correct the ref. As the team disperses, the teammates all incredulously mock thank Alex for throwing the game, making Alex rightfully feel like a shithead. The coach, repressing his own feelings off being a dickface, shows pity on Alex and tells him that he did the right thing, making Alex feeling all warm and fuzzy, but still a shithead.

“Sportsmanship”. Yeah, my ass.

Here’s what would happen in the real world.

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Setting the value of today’s WWE titles

Watching wrestling these days, I can’t help but think about how much has changed throughout the decades I’ve been watching this crap. I’m amazed and aggravated at just how over Ryback is, considering he is the verbatim second-coming of Bill Goldberg, but somehow worse because he has an even more limited arsenal of moves, speaks too much during matches, and has the annoying habit of bobbing his head to his own music.

I’m also concerned for the WWE in regards to just how many shows they have now. Off the top of my head, they have RAW on Mondays, Smackdown on Fridays, and I believe they have shows on Wednesdays occasionally and also a Saturday morning program. I don’t know if they have any reality television shows at the moment, but they have developed a fairly prominent YouTube channel, which now puts the onus on WWE performers and personnel to provide content for, while they’re not being pressured to engage the “universe” with their seemingly mandatory Twitter accounts. The level of saturation they’re reaching at this point is enough to kill WCW twice over at this point, and I know the WWE is very adaptable and a smart-operating company, but it still heeds an orange-level warning as far as I’m concerned.

But anyway what this post is about is in regards to the seemingly excessive number of titles that are circulating throughout the WWE at this point. And I guess this would be useful for an older fan hoping to pick up watching wrestling today, despite the fact that I’m pretty sure nobody reading this would fit that criteria, but it seemed like a good idea to write at the time. But what I’ll basically be doing is taking today’s current array of WWE championship belts and achievements, and appropriately providing an equivalent from an older generation, to help provide perspective for today’s viewers.

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As if MARTA weren’t enough of a joke

There’s so many things to possibly say about this little gem that I would never have seen if it not for my friend Bunny, but for the sake of letting the “gawd, danny is such a racist” thermometer cool down a little bit, I’ll refrain.

But anyway, as if Atlanta needs to be the butt of any more jokes, here we have this embarrassing video that exists, because there are a lot of people that genuinely have no common sense when it comes to dealing with public transportation. Not only does it seem completely unnecessary and ironically depressing, it makes an attempt to create awareness that Atlanta, does in fact, have a WNBA team. I didn’t know the WNBA was even still around, too. And its mascot goes around cockblocking a bunch of MARTA users from being time efficient; seriously, if you don’t make an attempt to run after a bus or try to beat elevator doors, what happens afterwards? You waste time, end up late, and get shitcanned from Taco Bell.

Honestly, I’m not sure what’s worse – this video, or the fact that there are “subway fights” that show up with World Star Hip Hop watermarks on a weekly basis that are obviously happening at MARTA trains or stations.

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I don’t get you people sometimes

Back in 2007, pro-wrestler Chris Benoit was discovered dead, along with his wife and his son.  Immediately afterward, the WWE broke all storylines for one night, and put together an entire tribute show for Chris Benoit and his family, where there were some great matches, but most notably an array of tear-filled, emotional outpourings of interviews of Benoit’s fellow wrestlers sharing touching stories and memories of their fallen comrade.

Days later, it was revealed that it wasn’t an attack on the family by a second party that ended up with the Benoit family dead; it was Chris Benoit himself, who had murdered his wife and his son, before hanging himself.  Suddenly, all of the RIPs to Chris Benoit were rescinded, the WWE did everything they could to break association with Chris Benoit, and wrestlers everywhere expressed emotions of betrayal, disappointment and disgusted sadness at the guy they all thought they once knew.

It wasn’t really “rest in peace” anymore, as much as it was “good riddance, you fucking murderer.”

Recently, a player on the Kansas City Chefs, Jovan Belcher, murdered his girlfriend and mother of their three-month old child, and then killed himself.  This has all been confirmed and is all fact at this point – Jovan Belcher was a murderer before he killed himself.

So why the fuck are so many people bidding him to rest in peace?  The guy is a fucking murderer, and fellow football players, and people all over twitter are wishing him the same farewell, reserved for people who live their lives honorably, or at least without committing murder?

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Hauntingly beautiful

I watched Sleeping Beauty on Netflix.  Not going to lie, the reason I watched it because I kind of crush on Emily Browning, and I heard she pretty much goes full frontal in this flick.  But anyway, it was about an hour and forty minutes of wtf, and frankly, I don’t think even the most transcendental hipsters would be able to put two and two together with this movie’s plot or direction.  As far as the basics goes with storytelling, Sleeping Beauty deviates from just about all of them, and they just keep moving as if everything’s already been explained when it hadn’t.

Convoluted story aside, I will give the movie that it’s one of the more visually beautiful movies I’ve seen.  I’m obviously no cinematographer, so I have no substantial weight to my opinion, but when I actually take notice of how beautifully shot everything is, then it just might have been well shot.  The framing and concise angles stood out to me a lot, likely a culprit because nothing story-wise was, but I still say it was beautifully shot.

But no more than the picture above; there’s something hauntingly beautiful about Emily Browning in this one particular scene where she decides to burn money.  To be perfectly honest, in spite of the classical beauty features she has, there’s something about her that objects to my personal aesthetic preferences; maybe it’s her eyes or something.  But in this two minute scene where she’s burning money with a reflective and amazed expression on her face, in the middle of the night, I find Emily Browning to be the prettiest girl in the world.