One Year.

365 days ago, I officially moved into a WordPress blog format. The main reasoning behind the move was that I felt that I was losing touch with my writing, mostly because the process was redundant and had become arduous, and I felt some obligation to make long and thoughtful posts in order to get my point across.  When it felt like it was becoming a chore, I knew change was essential in order to restore order to my enjoyment of writing.  A year ago, a new beginning, began.

2001 posts: 74 (not full year, either)
2002 posts: 81
2003 posts: 75
2004 posts: 73
2005 posts: 41
2006 posts: 55
2007 posts: 34
2008 posts: 19
2009 posts: 28

As you can see, as the years passed, so did my desire to really post anything to the old site.  In the span of the last 365 days, I have posted to my new brog 225 times, effectively more than the last five years combined. Granted, the depth, quality, and integrity of the last year’s posts might not be nearly as “meaty” as some of my previous years’ posts, but I can say without much question, that over the last year, writing hasn’t felt a chore to me anymore, which is a wonderful feeling.

It’s not necessarily how much I’ve posted that’s refreshing, but also the means in which I’ve posted.  I’ve made posts from seven different states, three different time zones, from my PC, various work computers, my old laptop, my Android phone, and most frequently, my trusty netbook.  Post contents have been heartfelt and thoughtful, sometimes just a link that amuses me, or random pictures from when I have been traveling on my baseball trips.  Some have been negative in connotation, with me pouring my ronery heart out, or fuming over my inability to secure a real job.  But all of it has been relatively close to the moment, and a more accurate reflection of my actual emotions and thoughts, as opposed to me having time to stew and think things through, and deliberate my choice of words when I had the time at home to do so.  When something crosses my mind that seems worthy to write about, I literally have the means to essentially get it down, just about almost anywhere.  Even if it’s not worthy, I can brog my heart out too.

Needless to say, switching my website to a WordPress brog was the best decision I made last year.  Writing means a lot to me, and when it began to take over my particular presence on the intertubes, it only made sense to adapt my online real estate to accommodate such outlet.  With one year in the books, I’m hoping to keep this going and I realize at this point, I’ve pretty much been doing this for the last decade, which is kind of surreal, knowing that I’ve got quite a bit of personal writing up online for that long.

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