I like coffee, if you haven’t heard

This is my actual desk at work right now.  I have not been working at this place for just 56 days, it’s certainly been much longer.  I used to have a different cup sculpture up, but it was during a time in which I would get a size of coffee depending on how much caffeine I needed.  But then I realized that I could just get a small coffee, and go back for as many refills I needed, if any at all.  Plus, I’m a stickler for symmetry, so I started this when I started just getting smalls on a regular basis.  Naturally, this is interrupted by weekends, and on rare occasions where I use a coupon or something, and get the biggest size they have.  And I do not accept the cups of others, there are all cups that I emptied myself.

I have a disturbing feeling that the winter holiday red cups will cease to be used at an inopportune time which will necessitate a reconfiguration in order to maintain a symmetrical appearance.  But whatever, the show must go on.

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