Five packets of raw sugar into 12 ounces of coffee

As I poured half and half and one Splenda into my own 12 ounces of coffee, my first thought was that eventually, this man was going to rudely reach across and grab for the half and half when I am done.  Like the social troll I can sometimes be, I took my sweet time pouring the usual excess coffee out for all my dead homies, and prepping it the way I like it before relinquishing the oft-demanded half and half.

This man didn’t at all seem the least bit concerned about the half and half because I realized that he was in the midst of ripping open his third packet of raw sugar, and pouring it into his coffee.  He repeated this action twice more while I stirred and re-lidded my own drink before heading back to the office.

I know the raw sugar isn’t as sweet as processed sugar, but essentially what it does to your body is about the same.  Five packets of sugar?  Into a small coffee?  That can’t be normal.

On another note, I just realized that this is my 500th brog post.  What better way to ring in a substantial number than talking about retards?

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