To write, or not to write

All six of my regular readers are probably aware of my general desire to post something at least once a weekday.  They may or may not have noticed that I haven’t posted anything over the last few days too.

That thing I have that most people wouldn’t believe called “the girlfriend” works an unorthodox schedule, which leaves her “weekend” somewhere in the middle of the week, as opposed to the traditional Saturday-Sunday.  I had some mid-week travel plans that went awry, AKA an inexplicable number of people decided to go where I wanted to go on the exact same dates I wanted to go, therefore there was no room on any flights to my destination.  So, I decided to scrap the trip, not go to work anyway, and spend my girlfriend’s weekend, with my girlfriend.

However, those were two days in which I wasn’t sitting at a computer, writing about nonsensical things, or trying to find nonsensical things to write about.  Actually, that’s not entirely true, because I was in front of a computer at times, but that was time spent playing, you’ll never believe this, League of Legends.

The bottom line is that I didn’t write during those days, because I was spending a weekend with the girlfriend.  However, I’m also a day away from my weekend, of the more traditional Saturday-Sunday variety.  Inevitably, I will sleep in on those days, if there is something to do, I will do those things, and I will in all likelihood also play some LoL then too.  The chances of me writing during my own weekend are a toss-up as well.

For the sake of wanting to consistently write however, this begs to ask the question on whether or not, to write or not to write.  Should I try and write things in advance more often, to have posts to post on her weekends, or should I not bother, with there always being the risk of things written not being topical, or dare becoming old news in the 1-2 days, or perhaps half-assed because I’m writing for the future and not necessarily the present?

Who knows what the answers will be to this brogging conundrum, but I guess what I’m really saying is that there may or may not be the chance that my general frequency of posting might possibly take a hit while I try and figure things out.

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