They just want to axe the mailman some questions

I don’t have a lot to say about this as much as I just wanted to relay this story about how there was some mailman out in Kentucky who came across some dogs, one of which was holding an axe, and how metal it must’ve been to have seen a dog carrying around, a fucking axe.

I love how the dog is just looking at the, presumably the mailman who snapped this picture, because nothing would inspire intimidation than a dog that looks like a German Shepard which are already intimidating breeds, but also carrying an axe.

It’s almost like a Final Fantasy random encounter where the devs take ordinary creatures like bears or bulls, but then arbitrarily slap on armor or weapons as if creatures like those weren’t already powerhouses to begin with.  A German Shepard with an axe is like giving a weapon to a champion martial artist.

Anyway, the picture says everything, and is entertaining all the same.  I should train my big dog to carry around a hatchet or a katana around as her favorite toy, so she can wander around outside with a weapon and potentially scare off would-be property casers.

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