What kind of coffee machines cost over $4,000?

So in preparation for Thanksgiving and the subsequent tradition of utilizing odd hours of the night or morning to hope to get some good deals on already overpriced luxuries, I’ve been doing a lot of sniffing around on Black Friday websites, making a list of things that I’d like to attempt to acquire.  One of those things is a Keurig coffee maker, since I like coffee.

Upon looking through one well-known retailer’s circular, I couldn’t help but notice some of the pricing they claim on their regularly-priced coffee makers.  As well as the “sale” price range of these “discounted” coffee makers.  Special $5.99 – $2,520.00. Wait what?  Two thousand five hundred twenty dollars for a coffee maker?  Down from four thousand two hundred dollars?  What in the fuck coffee maker costs $4,000?

If I’m paying $4,200, there better be Colombian coffee farmers harvesting those beans fresh, crushing them by hand, and making my coffee while the hot farmer’s daughter is fellating me while the luscious scent of a fresh cup of coffee is wafting through the morning air.  Every day.

I can understand fabricating a slightly higher price to dupe the consumer into thinking they’re getting some kind of robbery of a steal, but there’s such a thing as a little too exaggerated for their own good.

For all my dead homies

Every day without fail, the people at Starbucks put too much coffee in my cup even after I ask them for room for cream.  So every day I pour a little bit of my coffee out into the waste basket.

It’s whenever I do this that I hear myself telling me in my own head, “to pour out a little bit for my dead homies.”

I don’t even have any dead homies (that I’m aware of), but every time, I hear the words in my head when I’m pouring out a little bit of coffee into the trash in honor of my dead homies.  It makes me snicker and laugh, regardless.


I feel like I should write something

Considering it is my birthday and all, but I don’t really have anything substantial to say that I haven’t said in a past birthday before, probably.  Although my day is getting better, probably because I’m simply not in Virginia anymore, and the Willy’s burrito I just consumed for lunch, things aren’t necessarily as chipper as some people might expect for their birthdays to be.

As mentioned, I got home really late last night, and missed an entire day of work.  I’m grateful that my car was okay, and I really just wanted to move forward.  Waking up this morning, I went for a run and did some basic lifts to help prevent me from becoming a monumental fat fuck.  I get into work, just wanting to pass the time through the day, but it turns out the queer-jew that sits behind me is hacking his lungs out.  Perturbed by such a nuisance, I offer him an antihistamine for his allergies, except he explains to me that it’s not allergy, but a cold.  Fuckin’ great.  I hear him hacking away for the next few hours, me getting pissed because it’s loud and obnoxious, and the Starbucks fucked up my free birthday drink and got something that wasn’t no-whip, but no-taste.  I’m debating on forfeiting more work so that queer-jew doesn’t get me sick with his incessant uncovered coughing, but distressed over the fact that I’ve already missed eight hours already due to the airport snafu.  I’m sour.  Everyone around me is seemingly sour.  Not much of a good birthday feeling so far.  I stew.

Then, I find out that queer-jew is leaving early anyway, capitalizing on the corporate negligence that seemingly absolves employees of not being present if they’re going to a doctor’s appointment or something, so I’m delighted to hear that queer-jew will stop bitching about how his diminishing sick time, and by the time I get back to the office, he and his AIDS will be gone.  Now, I can relax my shoulders a bit, and coast through the rest of the day, and hope to have a relaxing dinner with some friends to celebrate this whole birthday thing out on a good note.

Otherwise, not much else to say, bringing in this year.  Not my greatest birthday evar, but at least I’m thankful to be home now.

Mobile brogging from Starbucks since I have nothing else to do

Gotta love car repair. If you don’t go somewhere at ass o’clock, then there is no chance you get service done the same day. Almost like trying to fly standby. But anyway, new wheel, new tires, and now brake work, and almost $800 (so far) credit card debt. But at least for the first time in ages, my car feels good again. Dare I almost say awesome. The axle/joint issues are still there, lingering, but for the time being, I have wait for my ass to stop bleeding before I delve further into debt.

On the right (wrong) track

Commander Shepard is always relevant.

This Saturday morning, instead of being a contributing member of society and spending my sparing, but still hard-earned money on services and goods rendered that would help the economy, I’m rendered to a miserable, spiteful, cauldron of hatred, sitting outside of a Starbucks brogging angrily.

I hate to base an entire year off of a recent string of bad luck, events, and happenstance, but if this week is any indication of what the rest of 2010 has in store for me, I think I’d be better off jumping off Old Rag’s summit next weekend when I have the chance.

Continue reading “On the right (wrong) track”

Martin Scorsese’s epic LARP

Now this is what netbooks are for.  Brogging from within a Caribou Coffee, amongst the throngs of other look-at-me secret people watchers all brandishing their own laptops and book selections, hoping that other people are glancing at them out of the corners of their eyes.  Since the prospective chance that the book I brought is more entertaining then the internet, I’ll keep it short this morning, since I am on a ticking clock until Jen’s hair is done.

Martin Scorsese’s Shutter Island thoughts, in ten seconds:

Continue reading “Martin Scorsese’s epic LARP”