Mass Effect romances, explained by Saved by the Bell

Throughout playing the Mass Effect series, one of the more intriguing side objectives is pursuing a relationship. Each of the three games gives you choices for your Commander Shepards to pursue, and depending on if you import your data from one game to the other, it mildly alters the relationship paths, based on your choices from ME1 to ME2 to ME3. Which is one of the only things you really can alter, to say the least. Oops; did I write that out loud?

Anyway, with the number of possible relationships available throughout the series, it got me thinking. Which is never a good thing, because then we end up with the conclusion that Commander Shepard is pretty much the futuristic Zack Morris of the galaxy. And that all possible relationships throughout the Mass Effect series, are easily relatable to all of the girls that Zack Morris was involved with at some point throughout the entire Saved by the Bell series.

Naturally, since I’ve only played as the male Shepard, we’re only going to go through his potential conquests. Suffice to say, these are probably classified as spoilers if you haven’t played through all three games yet.

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