RPG logic lol

For some reason, I was thinking about the original Final Fantasy, the super difficult original one on the NES when you didn’t recruit four black belts and spam your way through the game. The game was so difficult, that while trying to grind out levels and gold in one of the many ogre/creep forests, I got to a point where I was LITRALLY. Going back to town and using the inn after every single battle.

By this logic, at least three years worth of in-game days were consumed just so I could buy Steel Armor and CUR3 and FIR3, while Garland was probably getting tired of waiting for the Warriors of Light to just fucking show up already so he could begin his time cycle of destrucity.

RPG logic is funny like that; your characters are already supposedly the “chosen ones” or “destined soldiers” or at least the most skilled and qualified persons to be going on all these world-saving quests. You’d think that they should kind of _come_ with all the experience and gear they needed to do their job, but instead we as the players have to spend endless hours and countless in-game days to develop our characters as if they were newborn babies. Figure that.

Yes, this was an update to my facebook at one point, but I liked it enough to brog it.  Deal.