Is this conservative of me?

Now you’ll have to forgive me if I’m not entirely getting the facts straight; politics interest me as much as Michael Cera movies, so I will be the first to admit that most of the things I think I’m aware of, have mostly come via half-heard news broadcasts, and skimming through daily news.

But apparently, the State of Georgia’s Supreme Court made a ruling that stated that unauthorized immigrant students would not be eligible for in-state tuition.  To me, this seems kind of like a no-brainer; if you haven’t lived in Georgia for a substantial period of time, why should you get in-state tuition rates?  This is irrelevant if the students are coming from Nebraska or Nigeria, if you’re not a resident, why should you get resident benefits?

Apparently, not everyone seems to think it’s as clear cut as I do, as dumbass students do what dumbass students do, which is protest things that they are probably as clueless to as I am, and get arrested for it.

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