Lunchtime brogging

So whenever I start a new freelance gig, my world is kind of turned upside down as I adapt to a new schedule, new place of work, and doing my best to make a good impression with my new employers.  Combine all these little nuances, with baseball, and I find that I little time to getting any more brogging done . So I resort to doing it during lunch.

Ironically, the place I’m currently at is in the exact same place as the first job I ever held in Atlanta.  The reason I quit the job in the first place was the fact that I had a drama-queen Nazi boss, as well as it was a 56-mile each way commute, which I just couldn’t handle.  I can’t say it’s that much better than it used to be, but I’m doing it, so it’s not as bad as it was previously.  That, and the economy sucks, and I need to maintain work.

The job itself is okay.  I can’t get a firm grasp of everything yet, but then again it’s only been four days at the time of me writing this now.  The people are nice, which is essentially important, but the work itself is a little bit on the side of . . . difficult.

Not difficult in the way that I struggle mightily with it, but difficult in the way that it’s overall, just a pain in the ass sometimes.

But anyway, there are two things I really like about this place.  One, it’s right across the street from a Willy’s, and that’s exactly where I’m sitting right now, for the fourth straight day.  I genuinely have to be careful, if I’m going to be eating here with a frightening frequency.

Secondly, and this is the funny one, is simply the fact that there’s a girl that works at this place that I’m quite attracted to, and I am definitely interested in perhaps pursuing her if all the conditions are suitable.

Simply put, the work quality as well as the long commute gives this current assignment two strikes, but like any talented batter, it’s simply my goal to foul off pitches, stave off making an out, and simply try to get on base.  And if I’m a temp anyway, I don’t foresee this as any reason not to take a stab at.

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