Best link ever

Seriously, this is perhaps the greatest link in the entire world that I have ever seen.  At first, I was going to actually defiantly hotlink directly to the artwork, but if anyone is really crazy enough to track me down for doing such, it might as well be him.

Former pro-wrestler, and world-renown nutjob, (the Ultimate) Warrior apparently has picked up oil painting.  For the low, low cost of starting somewhere around $2,500 (I shit you not), you can get some of his actual work!

My name is Warrior. I am a self -taught artist. I use oils and my only tool is a knife.

And that’s only the beginning.  If you take the time to read, you can also find this little nugget of technique:

The paint on my paintings is an inch to an inch-and-a-half thick in some areas.

This information is very much not surprising, if anyone can recall the intensity and insanity of him in the ring, take that, and apply it to him while he’s wearing a beanie, smock, and carrying an oversized pallet in his left hand.  Seriously, I have to imagine in order to support clumps of oil paint ranging from a half to a full inch thick, he has to be painting on like drywall, instead of canvas.

And I thought the Warrior said that “queering doesn’t work?

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