Slaves to money

The assignment I’m currently working, I will admit that I am not that fond of.  It’s tedious, frustrating, and most certainly a perfect example of what happens when too many cooks are in the kitchen.  Obviously, I am grateful to be working for the money necessary to pay the bills, but when the day is over, I’m fairly certain I could get another assignment elsewhere if I decided to take my trade elsewhere.

Today’s story is that there was a possibility that myself, as well as the two other freelancers working on this project may have had to have come in on Sunday to help catch this place up.  Details are that it would have been on Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to around 2-3:00 p.m., and the hours would not have been considered overtime.  However, these hours were not mandatory, and we could just as easily declined the weekend work if we simply did not want to work it.

Earlier today, the end-client did what end-clients tend to do, which is fuck shit up, and suddenly the designers are confused, the creative director and project manager are all confused.  The work comes to a halt, and naturally, some of the work that was already done was now incorrect.  Several hours worth of work was potentially rendered useless.

I wear my emotions on my sleeve, and I made little effort to hide my displeasure; but not too much, do not need that kind of reputation.  Bottom line is that after a little deliberation, I exclaimed that I didn’t think I would be coming in on Sunday if it came to it.  I would rather sleep in, relax, and not risk burning myself out (more).

The other two designers were simply baffled by my decision, and couldn’t really believe that I would honestly turn down hours.  All while I can’t seem to comprehend why they can’t see where I’m coming from.  I’m not quite living paycheck-to-paycheck right now, but I am living fairly close to the heart.  Even that in consideration, I simply just value my time over money, and am not that concerned over not making ends meet.  So far, I’ve been fairly fortunate to be good at keeping the bills paid.  So, already pissed off at work, I didn’t need to risk making it worse, by sacrificing a weekend day for a mere six hours, including an extra commute.

I attempted to explain my position using analogies and metaphors, comparing it to those who work out seven days a week, thinking it will equate to more progress, while completely ignoring the importance of rest.  Working out, and working a job are both still, work.  Rest.  Is.  Necessary.

In the end, they just didn’t get it.  “To each their own.”  “It is what it is.” Pointless sayings of dismissal and lack of an ability to convey with the English language.  Simply put, where as I refuse to let money dictate my life, my peers are unfortunate slaves to it.  Completely controlled, and unwilling to go where the money is not.  Sometimes, it’s just not worth it.

The good news is that when the day ended today, it turns out that nobody really needs to come in on Sunday.  But the mood around the office has already changed, and I can’t honestly say I look at my fellow designers the same way anymore.

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