When you look at it real fast

I was running on the treadmill when I saw this commercial out of the corner of my eye.  Now I know that it says “play hooky at Hooters,” but when I looked at it really fast, the K in “hooky” merges with Hooters, and suddenly it basically says “Play with Hookers.”

It’s hard to say whether or not this was on accident, as given the nature of the tastefully tacky restaurant franchise, they’re definitely not above going low-brow and subliminal in order to stay remembered.  After all, this is the same company that plastered the phrase “THE BIG D” repeatedly when simply referring to the city of Denver, during some promotion where the winner would get a trip to Denver.

Either way, I thought it was funny.  Playing with hookers, or just going to Hooters, both seem like a good time.  Ultimately, this makes me kind of depressed when Hooters had a supposed opening for a graphic designer position that I would have done anything to get, but it was right before the company went into financial straits, declared Chapter 11, and had a hiring freeze.  Seriously, I would have given up a kidney or some other drastic sacrifice to have gotten a job with fucking Hooters corporate.

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