I wonder what’s going to happen to ISIS on Archer?

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the situation in Iraq; how coincidentally after U.S. troops have been gradually withdrawn from the country, an Islamic extremist group has emerged and is taking over territories with threats that they’re going to take over Baghdad soon.  A real Charlie Wilson’s War kind of story, where American presence leaves, and shit hits the fan, or something like that.

Naturally, there are large contingents of people quickly blaming Obama for it, because it’s just so easy to blame Obama for everything wrong with the entire world much less the United States, but, if I may get political for one rare second, I don’t.  I don’t blame Obama, I don’t blame Republicans, nor do I blame Democrats or anything.  This is just one of those scenarios, where, and I help but feel that I can’t be the only one who feels this way, is to simply think “fuck Iraq, let them deal with their own bullshit.”

I mean seriously, it’s a country, a region that’s beyond trying to help, and I’m long past thinking that it shouldn’t be America’s responsibility to try and rehabilitate an entire country that simply does not want to be changed from what they are.  Changing them just garners more resentment and more resistance, and it escalates into more and more violence and death.

The only times other countries should concern themselves about the shit going on in that god-forsaken wasteland is when extremists hypocritically attempt to force their will onto other countries, because they disagree with their ways of living, and try and bring the fight onto their soils.  Otherwise, I say let the people out in the Middle East have their own fucking land and do whatever the hell they want, as long as it doesn’t involve violence towards anyone else.

Anyway, I did not meant to get up on a soapbox for four entire paragraphs, but I guess the verbal vomit felt the need to be expressed.

The reason I started writing, is because as the subject states, I wonder what’s going to happen on future episodes of Archer?  Y’see, the Islamic extremists are going by the name ISIS, which isn’t exactly a correct acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, but there’s no denying that the name ISIS is kind of cool.  Which is why it’s used in Archer, as the fictional espionage organization that Archer and Co. all work for.

History has shown that there are times in which names, words or phrases become taboo when major world events are going on.  A good example off the top of my head was when in the late 80s, when the sequel to Contra was set to release for the Nintendo, was at the time when the Iran-Contra was going on; simply put, the word “Contra” had been saturated in the media with a negative connotation to the point where Konami didn’t want to risk jeopardizing the potential sales of Super Contra even though it had zero relevance to the events in Iran.  Needless to say, Super Contra was ultimately released as Super C, because of an aversion to a word.

I’m thinking that an Islamic terror group going by the name ISIS is one of these kind of situations that even an adult-oriented program like Archer, despite its low-brow and black humor, might feel some need to be sensitive to current events.  Or, they could very well run with the whole storyline, and take things a little to the extreme side of guerilla storytelling.

Or maybe not, and by the time the next season of Archer airs, Iraq and ISIS will be forgotten, and it’ll be fair game for ISIS to be used liberally on television.

Either way, I’m genuinely curious to know what might happen to Archer’s ISIS, given the events of the real world’s less humorous, less drunk version of ISIS.

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