Congraturation, NFL

You were this close to having Super Bowl champions, qb’d by a rapist. You were also close to having Super Bowl hopefuls by one team employing filthy dog murderer, and one team whose coach’s wife is into foot fetish porn. Man, the NFL is full of some fucked up people these days. But regardless, I must say that this year’s Super Bowl was an exciting one, and for a pleasant change of direction, I’m pleased with the outcome. I’ve no beef with the Packers, but despite their being the sixth seed on a technicality, I still would’ve rather have seen the Seahawks pull it off, but I’m not complaining. Rodgers played a fine game, and it turned out to be more exciting than it should’ve been, but at least the good guys won. I very likely would have stopped watching professional football if the Steelers won, thus absolving Ben Rapelisberger of raping chicks, because he’s a hero. Sports are bad with that kind of forgiveness.

I don’t really care much for the phenomenon that is the Super Bowl commercials, other than the fact that they’re fresh new ones instead of the rhetorical dregs of routine commercials. I noted the millions of dollars of effort that Hyundai puts into major sporting events, and I really am genuinely on the cusp of deciding on a Hyundai in the future, thus supporting the motherland. Bud Light had some pretty funny commercials, but the one that sticks with the me most is Pepsi MAX’s “Love Hurts” commercial.

Poor, miserable black guy, with an overbearing pitbull of a wife, and then suddenly, instead of punishment he reveals that Pepsi MAX is indeed “good for him,” before a pretty blond jogger takes a breather and boldly waves flirtaciously at him, prompting rage from the pitbull, and committing an illegal act of aggravated assault, before both flee from the scene of the crime, perpetuating numerous stereotypes in the matter of seven seconds. But it sticks to me, because the blond is hot, and shows off her cute little ass in white jogging shorts at the conclusion. Yeah, really that simple.

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