If there was ever a restaurant that demanded to be noticed

A long time ago, I was at a place that had free wi-fi, on the condition that you had to provide an email address.  I did, and I was apparently put on the Scoutmob mailing list, but seeing as how I do like the foods, I figured it doesn’t hurt to find out what gems there are in the city.

The other day, this restaurant was the joint of the day, to be offering 50% off with the code.  I shit you not, but this is the actual name of an establishment down here in Atlanta.  Boners BBQ.  If I had a sip of  a drink in my mouth when I saw the email headline, I probably would have snorted it up my sinuses, or spit it out outright.  I could not believe this.

I fancy myself somewhat savvy to good eateries in Atlanta, but this one has completely slipped underneath the radar.  What’s more impressive is the fact that they’re a block east from Turner Field, and I never once have heard about it until recently.  Sure, it’s in the same parking lot where T.I.’s little brother gets gunned down in the cheap blaxploitation flick ATL, but hey, gentrification has to start somewhere.

I must sample this place out now.  Furthermore, I demand that I get a t-shirt.  I’ll enjoy having it, but never wear it, much like my “Ride the S.L.U.T.” (South Lake Union Trolley (Seattle, Washington)) shirt.  I really hope that their food doesn’t suck, so I can competently suggest this place to friends and visitors.

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