Photos: 2012 Dragon-Con, Day Two

Day two of Dragon-Con brought forth more and more costumes.  I hate to disappoint, but you may notice the overall number of photographs taken in this gallery is a bit shortchanged in comparison to the first day.  I have a logical explanation for that: I was in costume for a good chunk of the evening.

Day two was when I busted out the League of Legends Mafia Graves costume, in which I was so hard at work throughout the month of August, working on the gun for.  So basically, while I was in that costume, lugging around the gun that felt like it grew heavier and heavier as the night went on, I was without my fancy DSLR camera.

But still, I made my best efforts to photograph costumers, which coincidentally has a heavy lean towards girls I find attractive and/or sexy, and conscious efforts to get photographic proof that I saw the friends, acquaintances and good persons that I claim to know in my general life.

As always, I don’t have a lot of requests, but if you do use any of my images, a link or credit is greatly appreciated.  Photos after the jump. 

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