Photos: Dragon*Con 2015 – Friday Costumes

Since I’m the low man on the totem pole at my job, I had the unfortunate task of having had to work on the Friday of Dragon*Con.  That being said, I didn’t arrive to the convention until like 6 p.m., which certainly ate into the times of the day in which I simply like to wander around and take pictures of costumes that cater to my interests.

Needless to say, the total photo count isn’t really that high, but I still felt like I had a decent amount of time to wander and snap pictures.

My approach this year was that I wanted to snap shots in increments of three; mostly on account of the gallery settings I use in which I like knowing that every costume gets their own row, and there’s no odd-persons out with people having to be broken up in multiple rows.  So, it’s going to be very apparent that I’d been taking multiple photographs of everyone I chose to take pictures of.

Anyway, this is the first of several more costume galleries to come, so I hope all visitors enjoy them, and hopefully keep coming back.

I can’t really do about it if you choose not to (although I might shop some genitalia on your picture(s) if I ever find out), but I would kindly ask:

  1. no direct linking to my pictures
  2. if you use any of my pictures please don’t crop off my watermark
  3. if you use any of my pictures on Facebook, please tag me, for I like to see when people share my stuff

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