Jobbers of Cosplay

job•ber.  n. – performer whose sole purpose is to lose with the express purpose of making their competitors look superior.  See professional wrestling terminology.

Despite the fact that jobbers are undoubtedly important in the world of wrestling, as well as all other applications in which jobbers can be utilized, the bottom line is that nobody really wants to be a jobber.  Sure, jobbers are still granted exposure, experience, and in many cases actually still paid, but when the day is done, they’re portrayed as losers.  Especially at younger ages, nobody wants to be losers.

I watch Heroes of Cosplay.  This shouldn’t be much of a surprise given the fact that I still go to occasional conventions, and take hundreds of pictures of people in costumes.  I also know most of the Atlanta cast, but that doesn’t influence my opinions of the show or how I feel about the things they say on television, or the things that are depicted as realities that I might question.  Also, it’s not like any of them probably actually visit my brog unless there’s a chance that I might have a picture(s) of them.

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That’s the American way

Since there was no work today, I turned on the television and looked for something to watch.  Because I’m kind of a jock, my default destination to begin searching typically starts with the sports block of channels, and immediately, there were two things that caught my eye.  On ESPN, was the annual Fourth of July Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating contest, and one ESPN2, was the World Cup, with a quarterfinal game between France and Germany no less.

With the US National Anthem softly playing in my head, I chose the hot dogs.

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lol MARTA #212

Brief: MARTA rejects Clayton County’s offer to incorporate a 0.5¢ county-wide tax increase in order to bring MARTA buses down into Clayton County.

Translation: Despite the fact that MARTA is a sham of a transit authority and a company in the first place, even they don’t want to get themselves involved with Clayton County.

Man, as much as I rag on MARTA, in the end it must really suck to be Clayton County.

In the end, this has everything to do with money, because as it stands now, the other counties have a 1¢ tax in place to help fund having MARTA in the first place.  The speculation is that MARTA wants them to pay a full penny just like everyone else, and now the ball is back in Clayton County’s court to see if they’re willing to go along with it.

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Red Mage lyfe

The red mage reference in question here is that of Final Fantasy lore.  The class of character that was the definition of a jack of all trades; they could fight with weapons and equip actual armor yet they were capable of casting white and black magic.  Not to mention that in most every instance of the appearance of the red mage, they had an awesome red hat, often times with a feather in it.

Sounds appealing, being able to do a little bit of everything, doesn’t it?

The drawback to the red mage was however, is the fact that they were a jack of all trades – meaning that they were neither a king nor a queen of any of them.  Their fighting prowess had a ceiling far lower than that of any other class that specialized in fighting strength and abilities, and their speed and agility were vastly middle of the pack, and could go no higher.  When it came to casting spells, sure, they were capable of casting both white and black magic, but they eventually hit a wall with both, that they are incapable of surpassing, while white and black mages can continue on to learn a litany of spells exclusive to just them.

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City hiking at the Cascade Springs Nature Preserve

Over the weekend, I went on a little hike.  One of my closest friends has been going on hikes on almost a weekly basis for a while now, and it’s piqued my interest in wanting to do some hiking on my own, despite the drastic difference in quality of hiking trails between Georgia and Virginia.

After doing a little bit of searching, and finding a few comprehensive lists of hikes in the remote Atlanta/North Georgia region, I found a trail oddly-located within the city limits that seemed like a good idea to try, that wouldn’t eat up my entire day driving to get there, and keep my afternoon free for things I needed to do.

The Cascade Springs Nature Preserve is located almost in the middle of the city, leaning towards the Southwestern region of the Perimeter.  Typically, the words “Southwest Atlanta” is synonymous with crime and shootings on almost a daily basis, but it turns out that this chunk of land sits a little bit further out from those sketchy neighborhoods, and is apparently protected greenspace that continues to exist as this juxtaposed oasis of nature surrounded by sprawl.

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